Spring/Summer Glasses Models 40 Best Creative External Sunglasses Holder Ideas New 2022

If you’re a shadow lover and you don’t have protective covers for all your requirements (some of us are guilty of losing them), finding a safe place to store your sunglasses can be an organizational nightmare. And while you might like the choice of designer sunglasses as a hobby (all that we do, fashionistas), there is a chance that you will also get a wide selection of cheap sunglasses, and most of the budget features do not deal Good quality.

So, where do you keep all your sunglasses without being damaged, lost or crushed by other accessories in your ever-expanding wardrobe? Do not be afraid of the fans of sunglasses, here are 5 Haks to store your sunglasses, and it will not cost you a cent…

If you have an old skeleton in your garage or closet, why not upgrade it and turn it into something really cool and useful? You’ll have the best grades for creativity, and your recycling efforts will make you and the environmental warrior. All you need is a wire and a few hooks to attach the wire in place. You can also use a string or a color tape, even if you want to remain artistic.

Did I not tell you that these hacks would not cost a penny? All you need is a wooden hanger or wire-just make sure it is a traditional triangular hook with the bottom strap (used for hanging skirts and trousers)-and this is the bottom plank that you will use to wrap your Sunglasses inch Just hang your hanger in the closet (leave enough room to be crushed) and hang the sunglasses along the bottom of the hanger. In addition, you can hang a hanger on the wall with a nail or hanger. If you don’t have a hammer in your hand, you can use a sticky hook to cover the backrest (available in most shops and DIY supermarkets).

Who knew something simple and annoying, as the kitchen sink can turn your bedroom into a haven for beautiful fashion accessories? It’s hard to turn your nose into this idea of storage because you can use it for everything, not just for sunglasses!

If you want to get artillery with a screen for sunglasses, this hack for storage will really highlight the interior elements of your room. Simple but efficient, this magnificent vault transforms a simple white screen, a few multi-colored ribbons and all your sunglasses into something very spectacular. Experience a range of colors and ribbons of different sizes: the width and thickness of the ribbon create a sense of depth and size.

Metal hooks fit perfectly in shape and size to fasten your sunglasses and can be attached to anything (wooden or drywall surfaces are the best). To a wooden board, your closet door or wall to create a simple but beautiful canvas.

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