Nail Art Design- DIY ❤ Easy 35+ Nail Art Designs For Short Quotes New 2019


I received some comments about my nails in the past, so now I decided to show some very simple nail designs, especially suitable for short nails. They are all super easy and do not require any specific tools.

The first one is my favorite. Start by painting the semi-circle with white nail polish on the tip of the nail. Then, with the tip of the pin, paint two large circles to make the ears are made. Use the same tool to draw two eye circles. Use a toothpick to make white pupils and a black nose spot.

For colored leopard print, start creating random dots in two different colors, you can use more colors if you already have nails. Using a toothpick and black enamel, make hooks and C shapes around the dots and fill the spaces with random dots and black dots to finish the print.

The simplest is what follows. Just make a black semicircle at the end of the nail. And draw two small triangles to listen to.
In the case of sushi nails, start again from the black semicircle. Then, with the tip of the pin, make a smaller circle with white enamel. And use a toothpick to decorate the sushi with different colors.

The latter model is also very simple. Just draw random dots of different colors on the tip of the nails. Use your favorite colors. Choose blue, pink, purple, green and white.

Finish with any chosen layer. I use a dry top layer and it dries quickly quickly, because it dries very quickly, but let me know in the comment which surface layer you prefer.

Your enamel is ready! I hope you enjoy this movie. I know it’s different from what I usually do, but I wanted to show how easy it is to make beautiful nails on the nails!

Thank you!

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